Why buy original art from Zatista? We'll tell you here
Small (Think Nano) Art
Size is one of the elements that, when woven together with colour, theme and material, determines the feelings the creation will project. The same work of a different size could project a very contrasting feel...
Back to School
Whether you have kids in school, are in school yourself, or just live near one, it’s hard to avoid the back to school vibe. Suddenly, students are everywhere and school supplies are in the news, in commercials, and in...
Art Soup
The time has come, you have the means, now you too can have a Warhol. Just grab your wallet and head down to Target to get one, or two, or three...
A Matter of Taste
Just because a work of art is considered beautiful by some, doesn’t mean it appeals to everyone, and just because a work of art catches your eye or imagination, doesn’t mean you necessarily want it in your private living...