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Art Caught In The Storm

Grassland Storm by Susan Hughes $95

There’s something amazing about stormy weather. When the sky turns dark and the wind starts to howl so you rush to shelter. When the first raindrop hits the glass on your window or falls onto your arm. When the downpour begins, the trees sway in a rhythmic motion, and you sit safely inside your little hideaway.

Into the Storm by Anthony dunphy $790

Storms are a beautiful, powerful thing. Capturing the strength of one is one of the best forms of art.

After the Storm by Alicia Pastiran $200

Desert Plants and Approaching Storm by Jim Lipschutz $375

The cascading darkness and the calm before the storm are some of my favorite moments, but the calm after the storm? Peaceful serenity.

Storm Surf by Tom Reed $320

Storm Watchers by Adam Regan $650

Bringing the weather into your home can be a subtle reminder of the beauty and power of nature. It’s also a great reminder that every storm in your life won’t last forever. J Check out more stormy art at Zatista.com!

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